Monday, February 8, 2010

Ridges In Fingernails More Condition_symptoms What Are The Lines Or Ridges On Our Fingernails?

What are the lines or ridges on our fingernails? - ridges in fingernails more condition_symptoms

I know that I have recently developed deep grooves or ridges down the nail, which is a kind of deficiency?


trannybo... said...

When it comes to be determined by your doctor. Many toxic heavy metals and mineral deficiencies are identified by deformations in the nail bed. You may also have damaged the nail bed, but when it was on your hands now, or in places which they believe do not injured, you should consult your doctor.

There is no such thing as an early warning system. In some cases, the deviations are detected early and at this time are not dangerous, but if they become serious. Probably more than vitamins and minerals, but still check it out.

H. D. Girl said...

I have heard that this can be caused by several things.
Aging, when we get older, the tendency for peaks to appear in the nails. Have you got your diet recently? This can also be linked. Do you moisturize your nails regularly? The lack of moisture in May

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